Dedicated to quality
Our dedication to quality, and expertise in our personnel results in security guards that care about your business and will listen to and understand your individual needs.
We’re based in Wirral, covering the Liverpool, Chester and North Wales area, which means we’ve worked with a huge range of local businesses, who are all very different with unique requirements. All of our security guards are highly dedicated to protecting your business or premises, whatever industry you’re in.
Whether your business is in Cheshire, Merseyside or North Wales we can provide the best staff for the job, no matter what the role you’re looking to fill is. Chances are, we already have someone based in your area who is professional, competent and capable of the job you have, meaning you won’t have to pay huge travel or accommodation bills to source a security guard who isn’t North-West based. This is reassuring whether you’re running a one-off event or if you need someone more long-term. If your business is based outside the North West or you have multiple branches throughout the UK, we can help. Distance is not a problem for us, in fact we have agents based in all regions. Why not give us a call and ask if we have anyone available in your area - the answer is likely to be yes.